
Terms of Service

A. Scope of application

  1. These GTC govern the business relationship between Planetary Quantum GmbH and its customers.
  2. Planetary Quantum shall provide the services exclusively on the basis of these Terms and Conditions. Any deviating terms and conditions of purchase or other terms and conditions of the contracting party are hereby expressly rejected.
  3. collateral agreements, assurances and other agreements as well as amendments and supplements to the contract must be made in writing to be effective.

B. General provisions

1. Conclusion of the contract

2. Termination

4. Duties of Planetary Quantum

4. Duties and obligations of the customer

5. Liability

6. Use by third parties

7. Prices and terms of payment

8. Right of set-off and retention, default in performance

9. Availability of services

Planetary Quantum offers its services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Necessary service interruptions for preventive maintenance work will be announced as early as possible. Planetary Quantum will eliminate disruptions to its technical facilities as quickly as possible within the scope of existing technical and operational possibilities.

If the customer exceeds contractually agreed capacity limits (e.g. storage space, data volume), the customer shall be responsible for any resulting restrictions in the availability of the services offered. The same shall also apply if the execution of the customer’s own scripts leads to an above-average load on servers, other IT infrastructure or other operational disruptions.

10. Default of payment

11. Confidentiality / data protection

C. Digital Services Act

Below we provide you with the necessary information in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19.10.2022 (hereinafter DSA).

1. Introduction

Section D of these GTC supplements the remaining content with specific regulations, procedures and notification requirements in accordance with the provisions of the DSA, which standardizes the provision of selected digital intermediary services within the EU. In particular, this includes provisions regarding the role of service providers, content moderation guidelines and transparency obligations. The regulations set out in this section are only applicable if you are located within the EU and/or use the website or the services covered by the DSA. Should there be any discrepancies between the provisions in this and other sections of the GTC, the provisions in this section shall take precedence.

2. Responsibility for content

The customer is prohibited from providing, publishing or transmitting unauthorized content. This includes, in particular, content that is incompatible with these GTC (see in particular No. A 4 a) bb) ) or applicable laws of the EU or an EU member state or violates them.

The customer is solely responsible for the information published. We are not obliged to check customer content for admissibility within the meaning of the DSA without cause. Notwithstanding this, we reserve the right to carry out such an examination in individual cases and to take measures within the framework defined here if infringements are identified.

3. Reporting of illegal content by third parties or authorities

Third parties can report the existence of suspected illegal content to the following address:

We require the following information in the report:

By submitting this report, you declare that all information contained therein is complete and true

4. Moderation procedure

The moderation and restriction of user content is carried out on the basis of the content moderation customary in the industry for hosting services, taking into account the statutory provisions on liability in the event of knowledge of illegal third-party content (“Notice and Take Down” procedure) in accordance with Section 10 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG)

In the event of notification by third parties (No. D 3.) or self-performed checks (No. D 2. Para. 2), a human content check is carried out.

When assessing the provision of illegal content, criteria such as the type and scope of the illegal content, the extent of its impact and/or the seriousness of the misconduct (e.g. in relation to the nature of the content concerned and its consequences) as well as the frequency of repetition of the misconduct are taken into account.

We will inform the customer of the facts of the case and, if the existence of illegal content is conclusive, we will request the customer toremove the content without delayin accordance with the statutory provisions:

The reporting third party will be informed of the result of the examination of the reported facts.

We reserve the right to take the following measures after expiry of the deadline to the customer or failure to remedy the situation: Temporary blocking of the affected content

In doing so, we will weigh up the situation objectively and take into account the principles of proportionality

Quantum maymake the lifting of the blocking or temporary suspension of hosting servicesdependent on the customer having demonstrably remedied the unlawful situation. In order to exclude the risk of repetition, Planetary Quantum may insist on the submission of a cease-and-desist declaration subject to a contractual penalty. Planetary Quantum is entitled to demand a security deposit on the future contractual penalty resulting from the cease-and-desist declaration to secure a liability claim from a third party.

5. Complaint procedure

If you do not agree with one of our moderation decisions in accordance with No. D 4, you can submit a complaint to us

This must be submitted promptly after becoming aware of the disputed decision. To do so, reply to the e-mail message with which we informed you of the decision. In it, please state any new information that may lead to a reassessment of the decision. We will then review your complaint and inform you of the result of the review in the same way.

We are entitled to refuse to participate in an out-of-court dispute resolution procedure to refuse. In any case, you can also initiate legal proceedings at any time before a court with jurisdiction under applicable law.

D. Final provisions