

Manage your applications using the following commands:

global flags

When working within your app’s repository, we usually guess the app from the git-remote that we created with runway app create. If you work outside of this context, all subcommands of runway app support the following flag:

app create

Creating an application has additional options:

short version long version description
-a --app the name of the new app (unique across runway)
-p --plan the plan to use
n/a --persistence enable persistence


All plans are available via runway plan ls or on our website).


By default applications on Runway are using ephemeral disks — each deploy is a brand new environment.

--persistence enables a volume which is mounted at /data. You can use this volume to save data that should be kept across deploys. The caveat is that the volume needs to be released during a deployment, which may cause short blips!

Persistence can be enabled for std plans and up. Once enabled, it cannot be disabled.