
Local Setup

Here are common tasks you may have to do in order to start deploying.

Update the Runway CLI

We provide a selfupdate command for your convenience:

$ runway selfupdate
current version: 1.1.0
 13.47 MiB / 13.47 MiB [===============================] 100.00% 0s
new version: 1.2.0

Create an SSH key

To deploy your application, we use git and therefore you need an SSH key.

To get started, open a terminal or (on Windows) wsl and follow along:

$ ssh-keygen -t ed255119 -C ""

Skip through all the questions (by pressing the enter button) and your new key (id_ed255119 and its public key is saved in the ~/.ssh/ directory — which is one of the following locations:

Using the SSH key

By default runway will attempt to use keys added to the ssh-agent.

How it works

Ensure the the ssh-agent is running:

$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
> Agent pid 31337

Then add your key to the ssh-agent:

$ ssh-add /Users/account/.ssh/id_ed255119

ssh-agent alternatives

The ssh-agent may be a considered a security risk and, albeit convenient, not what you want to use (because the agent process forwards all your keys to all servers you connect to).

runway local key set/unset

Use runway local key set <path> to set an explicit path to a private key which you want to use for runway app deploy.

To undo this, use runway local key unset and you will be back to using the ssh-agent.

runway local key setup

Can be used to create an RSA key for yourself in order to deploy. They key will be added to runway automatically (instead of running runway key add <path> yourself) and the path will be set as well, so the deployment uses this key exclusively.

1Password’s ssh-agent

An alternative would be to store the key in 1Password and its own agent process to increase security.