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April 2024 Update

Posted by: Till Klampaeckel
5 May 2024

Time flies — and things don’t always go according to the master plan when you’re bootstrapping.

Needless to say: we are on our way thanks to lots of friends and colleagues who gave us their time and provided us with feedback and input thus far. Sometimes also just by listening to us complain.

Having said all this — here’s the technical update to what’s happening:

Is it all tech?

As you can maybe tell (and relate to), the not so technical part is, that the not the technical aspects of running a start-up are hard.

We acknowledge all the hard work that product, marking, growth hackers and legal folks put into their products. We are working to address this at RUNWAY as well.

We started working with Andreas Gebhard (from Forward Momentum) to untangle where we are and where we are heading. Sharpening our vision and strategy. Ally Long will join us in May to advance our RUNWAY brand and bring RUNWAY to the next level.

And that’s all from us for now! As always, thank you for reading!

We are curious to learn what everyone else is up to and what are your challenges. So please leave a comment and share.

— Dennis, Richard & Till