
How can we help?


Help, I lost access to my email account!

Unfortunately, we cannot recover your email account for you. Please contact your ISP or hosting provider and inquire with them. If all else fails, you can email us and we’ll figure out a way to authenticate you and recover your Runway account.

How do I get a Runway account?

You sign up here.

I lost access to my MFA, what do I do?

No worries, just email support.

I think my account is locked and my apps are suspended!

Please contact support and we can sort it out.

Please help, I forgot my password.

Follow this link to reset your password. Check your spam folder too, in case you’ve tried it before.


AWS, Azure and GCP give me millions of credits for free stuff. Do you offer startup credits?

Runway is a startup itself. But more than a startup, we are building a sustainable business.

Can I prepay for Runway?

We currently don’t have credits of any kind; a credit card is the only payment option available.

If credit card is not an option for you, please contact support and we’ll figure something out. Prepaying will require larger commitments in order to offset accounting and bookkeeping overhead on our end, but we’ll make it work.

Can I run more than 3 free apps?

Your free quota is upgraded once you add a credit card to your account. If you require an additional quota, please let us know what you’re planning and we may consider it.

Do you have per seat pricing?

First off — multi-player Runway is on the way, but once it’s released there will be no per seat pricing. Share your app/idea with as many people as needed to make it work.

Do you impose any limits for apps using a free plan?

Aside from the available resources, we currently don’t impose any limits (like sleeps) on free apps. We are committed to offering a sustainable free plan for the foreseeable future, which may require additional limits to be implemented.

I work for a non-profit or charitable organisation, do you provide Runway for free?

We don’t have special pricing tailored to these organisations, but we invite everyone to get started on Runway for free. If you require additional (paid) resources and lack the budget, feel free to share your ideas and cause with us.

What are paid quotas?

Paid quotas are in place to prevent your bills from skyrocketing. They can be increased as needed, but will require the account holder’s approval.

Where is my credit card stored, and how do you process payments?

Your credit card info is stored with Mollie in a safe place. Rest assured that we don’t even know what your credit card number is. Payments are processed at the end each month and debited via credit card from your account.

Which payment options are available?

Credit cards are what we do. If you’d like us to support another billing method, please let us know and we’ll look into it.


Do you offer custom SLAs and enterprise support?

We currently don’t.

Feel free to share your requirements over email and we’ll try to work with you.

What are your business hours?

Our infrastructure is monitored 24/7 and support is available Monday through Friday (9AM - 6PM CET). We’ll do our best to respond in a timely manner; just be aware that weekends might be slower.


Can I use a single database with multiple apps?

Yes, there are no restrictions on how you use your database on Runway. For details on the services, please follow this link.

Do I need Docker to use Runway?

It helps if you’re familiar with Docker (or more specifically Dockerfiles), but you don’t need Docker to use Runway.

Do you have a public roadmap?

We have a roadmap, but we deliberately decided not to publish a public roadmap at this time. From time to time, we’ll talk about upcoming features in our monthly newsletter or on socials.

Do you offer Runway on-premise?

We currently don’t.

Runway is a complex beast and the environment we operate in is not your average cloud provider account. We take multi-tenancy seriously and don’t over-subscribe our infrastructure. If you have questions or special use cases, please reach out.

Do you take feature requests?

We don’t promise implementation or timelines, but we are always keen to learn what our users need.

Do you use green electricity?

We use infrastructure hosted in data centres which use 100% renewable energy.

How are app configs stored and handled?

The transport of your configuration between your computer and Runway is safe-guarded by TLS/SSL, and then encrypted at REST (in our database with secret keys rotated on the regular). Once an application is deployed, the config will be injected in your running container as environment variables and is available in clear text again.

How does Runway work?

The short answer is: we build a container from your app and run it. Don’t worry though — options to customise are available if you check out the recipes in our docs.

How does SSL/TLS work on Runway?

Once you create an application, you can add a domain to it. In order to verify ownership, we require a TXT record to be added to the domain’s DNS zone, which must stay around as long as you plan on using the domain on Runway.

Once ownership is confirmed, we use a Let’s Encrypt (HTTP challenge) to request an SSL/TLS certificate for the domain.


We currently support HTTP on Runway — plans for TCP are already under way.

I signed up, but I can’t deploy!

Make sure you have confirmed your email address — it’s the bare minimum we ask our users to do. If you run into any other issues, please contact support to let us know.

I’ve read your docs, but do you support $language, $framework or $tech?

If it runs in a container then the chances are high that we do! It may require writing your own Dockerfile. If you struggle, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help. Especially if we can add another example to our docs. :-)

Runway is a serverless platform. But where are the servers?

Runway is currently hosted in Berlin, Germany. We publish supported regions through our API.

This doesn't work!

You’ve heard it before, but this time it’s true: we are interested in feedback — good and bad. Feedback is what helps us and our platform evolve. We don’t (always) enjoy yelling or cursing, so please be assured we’re doing our best — but regardless: share whatever’s on your mind.

What are the first steps to deploy an app on Runway?

Log into your account and follow the three steps in the onboarding process.

What are your plans to expand currently available regions for Runway?

We currently do not have a public plan to expand to other regions. We are considering another location in Germany, and also neighbouring European countries. If you have a particular region in mind, please get in touch with us.

What do I need an SSH key for?

An SSH key is used to push your code through to our build server. In case you don’t have a key, our CLI tool has a setup command to guide you through it.

What do I need to use Runway?

Not that much.

First off, you’ll need an idea (or an existing app) and a basic understanding of Git. When you create your Runway app, we’ll add a git remote which is used for “runway app deploy”. So in order for that to work, a working Git setup (with SSH key) is necessary.

Who’s behind Runway?

Runway is (currently) us three: Richard, Dennis and Till. For more on what brought us here, please follow this link.

Will Runway work with another cloud service?

As long as the other (cloud) service is available over the Internet, your apps on Runway will work with it. If you require more information on specific IPs for an allow-list, please use our API. Be advised that Runway is a multi-tenancy platform and IP addresses are shared among our users/customers.


I want to report abuse on your platform.

Thanks for taking the time, please be assured that we take all forms of abuse seriously. Please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.

What jurisdiction are you under?

Runway is a platform built and provided by Planetary Quantum GmbH. We are a legal entity registered in Berlin, Germany.